Searching for Snidow ancestors on old ships manifests has, so far, proven frustrating. Although I have never seen the name "Schneido" or "Shneido" or "Snido" (or any very close variation) on any of the many lists from the 1700s that I have found, below are the names of possible ancestors along with the name of the ship and the year it landed in Philadelphia. The one that interested me most was the Neptune which landed in Philly in 1746. Aboard was a Jacob Schnyder and a Joh. Christian Leibrock (an early variation of the name "Lybrook". We know the Lybrooks and the Snidows were neighbors once they settled in VA). ~JSL
Read Gottleb Mittelberger's fascinating account of his ocean crossing in 1750 here.
Snyder, Christian, The William & Sarah 1727
Snider, Jacob, The Allen 1729
Schneider, Christian, The Allen 1729 (We know these two are not our ancestors)
Schneyder, Christian, The Johnson Galley 1732 (Sneyder)
Snyder, Valentine, age 22....The Samuel 1733
Snider, John Adm, age 41...The Samuel 1737
Schneyder, Johan Frid., The Robert & Oliver 1738
Schneyder, Johan Nicholas, The Robert & Oliver 1738
Schneyder, Johannes, The Samuel 1739
Schneyder, Johannes, The Samuel 1739
Sneyder, Georg, The Samuel 1739
Snyder, Hans Jacob, The Robert & Alice 1739
Snider, Phillip, The Loyal Judith 1739
Shneyder, Jacob, The Europa 1741
Schneyder, Carl, The Friendship 1741
Shneyder, J. Jost, The St. Mark 1741
Shneyder, Jost Junior, The St. Mark 1741
Sneyder, Hans George, The Mary 1742
Schnyder, Jacob, The Neptune 1746
Leibrock, Joh. Christian, The Neptune 1746
Schneider, Christian, The Restauration 1747
Shnyder, Johannes, The Ranier 1749
chneyder, Johan Christ, The Two Brothers 1749
Schneyder, John George, The Phoenix 1749
Schneider, Christian, The Lesbie 1749
Schneider, Johan Jacob, The Neptune 1751 (This could not be our ancestor as our first documented evidence of John Jacob is in 1749 in Lancaster Co., Pa. It is highly unlikely that he would have returned to the old country and then come back to America.)


