Old Snidow Obituaries
Walter Andrew Snidow died at the Jefferson Hospital, Monday evening Feb. 13, 1922. He was stricken with paralysis at his home at Whitethorn early Sunday morning and in a short time relapsed into unconsciousness. Three physicians and a nurse were in attendance, but as the last resort was hurried over the Virginian to Roanoke. With him were his wife and sons, sister and several friends. He died shortly after reaching the hospital. His remains were brought to Pembroke, Tuesday evening and funeral services were held in the Christian church Thursday morning at 11 o'clock, conducted by the Rev. B. W. Cronk, assisted by the Rev. W. M. Jones, pastor of the Christian church. The service was impressive and the prayer by Rev. Jones was most comforting. The choir sang sweetly his favorite hymns and the many florals design denoted the love and respect with which the deceased was held by his many friends. The New River Division Telegrapher sent a beautiful pillow of flowers. The Pallbearers were his nephews, J. Haven, Chapman and John Hoge, his brothers-in-law, Guy Roop, C. M. Triplett and M. M. Hedrick. His remains were laid to rest in the family cemetery at the Horse Shoe on a beautiful hill over looking New River, where his ancestors have been buried for a hundred years, there to wait the Morning of Resurrection.
Mr. Snidow had spent most of his life at Pembroke. He was born at the North Fork of Roanoke River in Montgomery county at the home of his maternal grandfather, February 20, 1867, the eldest child of Major John Chapman Snidow and Annie Hoge Snidow. He was twice married, first to Miss Annie Worley to whom were born three sons. John Chapman and Walter Marshall Snidow of Whitethorn and Guy Snidow of St. Louis, Mo. His second wife was Miss Carrie Roop. He with two sisters, Mrs. John W. Williams of Richmond and Mrs. John T. S. Hoge of Hoge's Store and a number of other relatives and friends survive him. The only brother died at his home at Pembroke two years ago, after a lingering illness.
Mr. Snidow was widely connected. He was a great-grand-son of Col. Christian Snidow a Revolutionary soldier, whose wife was Mary Burke, the sister of Sir Edmund Burke, the noted statesman, from which is descended some of the oldest and most distinguished of Southwest Virginia families.
He had many loyal friends who share the grief for his loss with his wife and sons. His strong personality attracted many friends and he was noted for his kindness to the less fortunate. He had assured his wife before his death that he was ready for the change.
Those from a distance attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Herdrek, Mr. C. M. Triplett, and Mrs. Shepard of Whitethorn, Mr. K. P. Lybrook of Fincastle, Mr. Sam Worley of Bluefield, Burke Snidow of North Fork West Va., Mr. Bob Worley of Pulaski, Mrs. Mary Worley and Mrs. C. E. Gregg fo Radford.
Thanks to Roger Morris for sharing Walter A. Snidow's obituary. (Walter was the brother of William Henry Snidow.) See the location of Walter's grave in Horseshoe Cemetery - near the middle of the layout - on our Horseshoe Cemetery page.
The funeral of John J. Snidow, who died suddenly of a heart ailment Saturday evening at 10 o'clock at St. Luke's hospital, will be held Tuesday afternoon at 3 at the Lutheran church at Pembroke, VA., and burial will take place in Pembroke.
Mr. Snidow, 55, 604 Frederick Street, succumbed a short while after being admitted to the hospital.
Mr. Snidow was power director at the Bluestone plant of the Norfolk and Western railroad. He was one of the most prominent and popular men of railroad circles.
The funeral service will be conducted by the Rev. Jennings W. Hobson, rector of Christ Episcopal church, this city. Active pallbearers W. D. Snidow and F. E. Snidow, Pearisburg; C.A. Lucas, C.G.Hoge, R.D. Williams and James B. Hale, Pembroke.
Honorary pallbearers are: M.T. Peery, J.T. Denny, E.N. Greaver, R. V. Crockett, W. Goodman, Fred Sanders, O. Ogle, D.T. McGhee, W.I. Marable, J.H. Hoge, Dr. A.H. Hoge, S.B. Payne, R.J. Cousins, A.L. Rhoads, Ezra Bilbert, George G. Greenacre, Dan Bradshaw, Aubrey Martin, H.C. Callaway, R.A. Yarbrough, Frank Lawrence, A.S.Buchanan, F.A. Harris, C.T. Snidow, I.N. Fuqua, S.H. Meem, G.W. O'Keefe, H.H. Lawson, C.H. Mustard, Virgil Shumate and W.O. Scruggs.
Mr. Snidow is survived by his wife, who was Miss Margaret Lucille Williams, a daughter of Mrs. Martin Williams of Pearisburg and the late Judge Williams; one son John J. Snidow, Jr., of Elizabeth, N.J. and a daughter Mrs. Leslie Fredrik van Eeghen, of St. Petersburg, Fla.
~ ~ ~ ~
Notes: John Jacob Snidow, brother of Frank Peck Snidow and Robert Chapman Snidow, was the son of Harvey Washington Snidow and Elizabeth Ellen Peck (see Elizabeth's obituary in the next column). Harvey descended from both Philip AND Jacob Snidow:
i.Philip Snidow (m.Barbara Prillaman)
ii.George W. Snidow (m. Eliz. Surface)
iii.Barbara Snidow (m. Jacob Snidow Jr.)
iv.Harvey Washington Snidow
i.Jacob Snidow
ii.Jacob Snidow Jr. (m.Barbara Snidow)
iii.Harvey Washington Snidow
Harvey's wife was Elizabeth Ellen Peck, a great granddaughter of Col. Christian Snidow:
i.Christian Snidow (m.Mary Burk)
ii.Rebecca Snidow (m. Benj. Peck)
iii.John Snidow Peck
(m. Mary Burk, a cousin)
iv.Elizabeth Ellen Peck
(m.Harvey W. Snidow)
John Jacob Snidow's obituary and notes above contributed by his granddaughter Jane P. Snidow Lloyd.
And from the Norfolk & Western magazine, August 1942 - contributed by Mr. & Mrs. John Jacob Snidow III in April of 2010...
The Norfolk and Western Family regrets to learn of the death of Power Director John Jacob Snidow, Bluestone, who died at Bluefield on June 27. Mr. Snidow, a native of Pembroke, Va., began work for the Norfolk and Western in 1923 at Bluestone power plant, where he had worked until he became ill last March. He was a graduate of Virginia Polytechnic Institute, and had served with the United States Army in the Philippine Islands.
Elizabeth Ellen SNIDOW
Oct. 1, 1937 edition:
Pembroke, Oct 1, (Special).
Mrs. Elizabeth Ellen Snidow, 81, widow of H. W. Snidow, died early this morning at the home of her sister, Mrs. Luther Williams, at Kimballton.
Mrs. Snidow was widely known throughout Giles county and Southwest Virginia. She was the daughter of John S. and Mary B. Peck and a direct descendant of Christine (Christian?) Snidow, who came to Giles in 1766, Benjamin Peck, who settled in Botetourt about 1785, and John Chapman, who settled in this county in 1771.
She was a lifelong member of the Presbyterian Church, taking an active part in its affairs. She is survived by three sons, Frank P. Snidow, Pembroke; John J. Snidow, Bluefield: Major Robert C. Snidow, Key West Fla.; seven grandchildren and by one brother, H. T. Peck, Washington. The body will be taken to the home of her son Frank P. Snidow, at Pembroke.
Funeral services will be conducted at the Lutheran church in Pembroke at 2 o'clock Saturday, by Rev. Meredith Norman, pastor of the Christian church, assisted by Rev. J. E. Guthrie, Presbyterian pastor. Burial will be in the private cemetery at the Snidow home place.
(We are grateful to Roger Morris for sharing the obituary of Elizabeth Ellen Peck Snidow with us - another treasure for Snidow descendants and genealogists)
This appeared in the Oct. 14, 1836 Richmond Whig & Public Advertiser
At his residence, in the county of Giles, on Sunday, the 18th day of September last, Col. Christian Snidow, in the 77th year of his age. Col. Snidow was an early pioneer in the Western wilderness. He was an officer and soldier under Col. William Preston, during the war of the Revolution, and was engaged in defence [sic, but appropriate spelling at the time] of the Virginia frontier, against the warlike and merciless attacks and depradations of the Indians and Tories. He served the county of Giles for many years in the Legislature of Virginia, with zeal, fidelity, and devotion to those whose interest he represented. He was long a member of the county Court of Giles, and as such was highly respected. As a citizen, he was much esteemed, because of his usefulness, integrity and hospitality. As a friend, he was dearly beloved. His funeral was attended by a large concourse of citizens who evinced sincere sorrow for his death, and heartfelt sympathy with his bereaved and afflicted family.
His death has produced a vacuum which cannot shortly be closed; there is none to take his place. Adieu, thou friend of freedom and of man! This community cannot, will not forget thy kindness and hospitality. Thy name and thy actions will long be remembered--and thy loss will not be more sadly and more seriously experienced and felt than by the author of this humble tribute to thy memory."
(Thank you to Tandy Shields who found Col. Christian's obit in the microform newspaper section at Virginia Tech!)
(4/17/1839 ‑ 2/10/1876)
Death of Maj. Jno. C. Snidow
(obit appeared in the Bristol News on February 22, 1876)
It is with sincere regret we chronicle the death of Major John C. Snidow of Giles Co., which took place on
Thursday morning the 10th inst., at his late residence. The deceased was the eldest son of the late William H. Snidow, who in his day, probably wielded more influence than any other man in Giles Co., and a grand-son of Col. Christian Snidow, an officer of the Revolution, and a descendant of the Burke family that settled in the New River Valley, probably over one hundred years ago, and one member of which Mrs. Davidson, was taken prisoner by the Indians on Clear Fork, Tazewell Co., (now Bland) and remained in Captivity about seven years.
In the death of Maj. Snidow, Giles county loses one of her most prominent and useful citizens, in the prime of life, his age being about thirty-six. Though of retiring and unobtrusive manners, he was eminently popular, based upon his purity of character, fine judgment and elevated integrity; and in 1871, without solicitation, he was nominated by the Conservative party for the House of Delegates, was elected, and served the session of 1871-72 and 1872-73, declining a re-election, and a touching and fitting tribute to his worth was manifested in the large concourse that attended his obsequies the largest that is recollected having been present at the burial of any citizen of that county.
In February 1866, he was happily united in marriage with a daughter of the lamented James F. Hoge, Esqr., of Montgomery, and a first cousin of Mrs. A. D. Reynolds of this place, who, with four small children survive him.
We sincerely sympathize with his friends in this great affliction, and tender them assurances of our condolence in this hour of darkness.

Mexico, Audrain County, Missouri, Thursday, June 2, 1898 (Mexico Weekly Ledger)
James S. Snidow Dead.
Was County Clerk of Audrain and One of Our Most Honored and Beloved Citizens.
There is universal regret and sincere sorrow throughout this city and county, and wherever James Shannon Snidow was known, because of his death which occurred Friday morning at 7:30 oclock at his home on West Monroe street, at which hour he passed from earth as peacefully as a child would fall asleep. He was in full possession of his faculties until the end came, and calling his wife and children to his bedside bade each farewell and counseled them as to their future welfare. Death was the result of an acute case of pneumonia, both lungs being affected, brought on, it is thought, by exposure during the recent county canvass, in which he was the successful candidate for County Clerk, which office he
held at the time of his death.
Mr. Snidow was taken ill just one week ago Friday at 3 oclock in the afternoon, grew worse day by day, and for the last forty-eight hours of life and death hung in the balance. All that medical science could do for the relief of the sufferer was brought to bear, but at no time during his illness was it thought Mr. Snidow recover.
As a husband, father and citizen no man was more gentle, kind, indulgent, true, or was held by the public in higher esteem. As a Christian he was above reproach, believing steadfastly in Him who, on Calvary's cross, suffered death that mankind might live. Unostentatious, scrupulously honest, always affable, he made friends who clung to him. As County Clerk he won the favor of our people for the able, conscientious and courteous discharge of his duties. Mr. Snidow was first a candidate for the office in 1882, but was unsuccessful. In 1894 he again made the race and was elected. His time for the present incumbency would have expired next January. He was renominated for County Clerk on April 30 last.
Deceased was a native of Virginia, where he was born in Giles county Feb. 4, 1848, and came with his parents to Missouri in 1849, locating in Monroe county. The death of his father when he was 6 years old left him to solve the problem of his future unaided. It is fact that when 21 years old Mr. Snidow had not learned to read, but with grit and energy as his capital he started out to acquire his education, attending school in the winter and working on a farm in the summer in order to earn the money to procure his education. After completing his studies he selected the profession of school teacher, to which most of his life has been devoted. No better endorsement of his capabilities can be given than to mention that he taught school in one neighborhood for seventeen years and in one district, Excelsior school house, in
Saling township, for nine years. In 1877 he came to Audrain county, and his quiet, unassuming manner, together with his devotion to his work, soon grained him a host of friends. Mr. Snidow married Miss Clara D. Milsap, of Osceola, St. Clair county, April 11, 1878, who, with five daughters, survives him. The children are Ethel, Stella, Bertha, Flemma and Fay.
Deceased was a Master Mason and Odd Fellow, and the funeral services will be under the auspices of these orders at 3 clock tomorrow afternoon at the Christian church of which church Mr. Snidow was a member Rev. Mr. Robbins conducting the religious ceremony. The interment will take place in the Mexico cemetery. The bell in the dome of the court house announced the passing away of Mr. Snidow and told in mournful tones the sad tidings that a good man had gone to his reward.
The funeral services over the remains of J. S. Snidow were held Saturday afternoon at the Christian church, which was crowded with friends of the deceased who had assembled to pay respect to the memory of one of Audrain County's most worthy citizens.
The ceremonies were conducted by the Masonic, Odd Fellows and Home Benefit orders, each of which deceased was a member. The funeral sermon was delivered by Rev. J. W. Robbins, pastor of the Christian church, who took his text from the last half of the fourth verse of the twenty-third Psalm, Thy Rod and Thy Staff Shall Comfort Me. Mr. Robbins spoke beautifully of the noble character of deceased and eulogized the many Christian virtues possessed life by the departed, said words of comfort for the living and gave a brief history of the life and work of him who had entered into rest.
The choir was assisted by all the teachers of the Public Schools and the pupils of the High Schools, and rendered Asleep in Jesus, Meet Me There, Just Over the River and God Be With You Till We Meet Again, all favorite hymns of deceased.
The floral tributes were numerous and many were very handsome. Among the profusion were noticed several magnificent designs, the offerings of the county officials, Masons and the Odd Fellows. Friends were lavish in their floral remembrances. The funeral cortege was one of the largest ever seen in this city and many friends awaited on the outside of the church, being unable to gain admission. The acting pall bearers were J. S. Walker and Thos. S. Wisdom, of Saling; P. E. Locke, W. L. Kent, Taylor Berry and John Abbay. The honorary pall bearers were all the county officials and several of the officials-elect. The Vandalia Lodge of Odd Fellows attended the funeral and many friends form a distance were present.
J. P. Snidow of Madison, Mo., a brother of deceased, and Wm. and Newton Snidow, nephews, of the same place; Jas. Groves, of Moberly; Dr. and Mrs. Kirkland, of Laddonia; Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Vanlandingham and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Neal of Rowena; T. S. Wisdom and J. S. Walker, of Saling, and numerous other friends attended the funeral. The remains were laid to rest in the Mexico Cemetery.
(Thanks to Roger Morris for these two obits!)

