SFA Constitution and By-Laws:
ARTICLE I Name: Snidow Family Association (SFA)
ARTICLE II Objectives: For the posterity of the descendants of John Jacob Snidow I, and the fellowship of the Snidow Families' annual picnic, and also for the preservation of articfacts, books, periodicals, furniture, pictures, and for the "Perpetual care" of the Horseshoe Cemetery and any other ancestral cemetery with court-appointed Trustees and aided by SFA and separate funding.
ARTICLE III Membership:
(1) Snidow direct descendants
(2) Descendants by marriage and or adoption
ARTICLE IV Officers:
(a) President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
(b) Officers shall serve two year terms.
(c) Be it resolved that the President shall appoint an Historian and a Financial Secretary who will be a go-between for the SFA and Trustees of Horseshoe Cemetery and any other ancestral cemetery so approved.
ARTICLE V Meetings:
(1) Annual SFA picnic shall be on the 4th Sunday of August in each year.
(2) Location of picnic to be determined.
(3) Parts (1) and (2) may be changed as needed.
ARTICLE VI Special Committees:
(1) Nominating Committee
(2) Executive Committee
(3) Program Committee
(4) Food Committee
ARTICLE VII Financial Support:
To raise money for various projects by SFA at its annual meeting and also by written request for any funds.
(1) Roberts Rules of Order
(2) Laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia
(3) Any Ordinance of Giles County that may affect this Association.
ARTICLE IX Amendment to Association By-Laws:
(1) During the annual meeting in each year any by-laws can be amended by a two-thirds vote.
The Snidow Family Association Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) corporation formed in 1990.


