Jacob Snidow 1763 - 1847
Jacob Snidow, son of John and Elizabeth Helm Snidow, was born November 15, 1763 in Lancaster
County, Pennsylvania. He came with his parents & siblings to the
(present-day) Giles County, Virginia area ca. 17661768. The family settled on
Little Stony Creek in 1774. When Jacob was 10 years old, he, his brother Theophilus and a friend Thomas McGriff were kidnapped by Indians during the attack in August, 1774. Jacob and Thomas McGriff managed to escape and were returned home a few days later. (See our Indian Attack page.) Jacob served in Captain John Lucas' company in 1779 as ensign or lieutenant. (Virginia Historical Magazine, Vol. XLVII, 2, p. 156). Visit our Jacob's Mill web page for more information on Jacob. He had thirteen children but one died in infancy. His marriages were as follows:
- Clara Burk m.1-30-1790; dau. of Thomas & Clara Frazier Burk
- Sally Pickelheimer m.3-6-1793; dau. of Jacob Pickelheimer (mother of Elizabeth & possibly Sarah)
- Mary Hankey m.2-13-1798.
See all three marriage licenses here.
- Elizabeth P. (1795d.btwn.1850/60) m. Arphaxed Keyremoved to MO
- Sarah (d.after 1847) m. Robert Johnston (from Ireland)
- Nancy B. (1800-1880) m. John Kerr
- Hannah (b.ca 1803, d.after 1870) m. Christian Link
- John Shannon (1805-1853) m. Mahala Lucas removed to MO
- Rebecca m. Adam Nosler
- Amanda E. b.1810 m. Anthony Kessinger removed to MO
- Edward A. (1812-1897) m. Elizabeth Webb removed to MO
- Clara or Clarrisa? b.1814, d. after 1870 removed to MO, never married
- Mary Ann b. 1833 m. Jasper Harless removed to MO
- Jacob, Jr. (1816-1901) m. Barbara Snidow
- Polly b.1810 m. John McClure (in MO) then William Atterbury (in KY)
WILL of JACOB SNIDOW 1763 - 1847:
Jacob Snidow's will, dated 5 July 1847, was proven in the County Court of Giles County on 26 July 1847. It is recorded in Giles County Will Book B, pages 496-498 and reads as follows:
I, Jacob Snidow of the County of Giles and State of Virginia do hereby make my last Will & Testament in manner and form following, to wit: First. I give and bequeath to my wife Mary during her natural life one room of my mansion house and the room she now occupies also my lower apple orchard and the lot of land that I myself have been cultivating from the Barn up to the land, Two cows, Two head of hogs, one Feather bed and its furniture an as much Kitchen furniture and cupboard ware as may be necessary for her support and the horse she now claims called Elic and my three sons are to find their Mother in a sufficient quantity of grain to maintain herself and stock also to give her such pasturage for her stock as they may have and use for themselves and my three sons must also find her in firewood and my desire is that my wife keep no more stock than is absolutely necessary for a comfortable support & the beding and clothing that she may have in possession at the time of her death she may dispose of as she thinks proper.
Secondly. I give and bequeath to my three sons John, Augustus and Jacob all that portion of my home plantation including the lands that I purchased from Hoges McCoy and Hanley Chapman that lies on the east side of New River. John to have that portion of the land on (which) he now resides. Augustus to have that portion on which he resides and Jacob that portion on which he resides. I have marked certain corners which are known and understood between my sons and the lines are to run straight from corner to corner to make the division between my three sons aforesaid.
Thirdly. Christian Snidow paid a sum of money for my son John and he is to have of John's portion of the land devised to him a quantity sufficient to pay said debt at the rate of Five dollars per acre agreeable to an article Between the said Christian Snidow and myself and I authorize my son John to convey said land to him.
Fourth. I desire that all my other lands, to wit: the Turkey Hollow land, the Pich Hill Survey, my portion of the surveys at Big meadows of Big Stony Creek, my two surveys on Little Stony Creek now in the possession of Anthony Kessinger and Jasper Harless, my land on the west side of New River now in the possession of Adam Nosler and my tract of land in the Rich Valley now in the possession of Arphaxed Key are to be valued at their present worth by thre disinterested persons of the neighborhood to be appointed by the Court of this County all of which said lands I give and bequeath to my eight daughters, namely: Elizabeth, Nancy, Hannah, Mary Ann, Amanda, Polly, Clara, Rebecca and the heirs of my dauther Sally, dec d. and for each to have the same value or interest in my estate and that the heirs of Sally Johnston keep the land now in their possession. Rebecca Nosler and her heirs the land in their possession. Elizabeth Key and her heirs the land in their possession and when the whole of the lands are valued and the amount found to be due to each daughter those who have recd. too much must pay back and those who have not recd. enough must receive so that all my daughters and the heirs of Sally Johnston are made equal and as to those lands that are not now in the possession of any of my daughters may of those daughters who are not in possession of land may take them at the valuation heretofore provided for. The reason why I have directed that my lands be valued at their present worth is that a portion of my Daughters have not enjoyed any portion of my estate and I think the rest have been fully equal to the improvements that any of them have made. In the event any of my land now in the possession of my daughter or daughters being valued to more than her share and she not be willing or able to pay such overplus as may be due from her then the whole of said land must he sold by my Executors and the proceeds of sale divided so as give to each of my daughters and the heirs of Sally Johnston are equal Shares.
Fifth. I give and bequeath to each of my daughters Polly and Clara one Feather bed and furniture, one cow and one four year old colt to each all of which each of them now claim and that they also enjoy that portion of the Mansion house not devised to their Mother and the Kitchen so long as they remain single or wish to enjoy them.
Sixth. As to the balance of my perishable property, I wish it appraised and if it is necessary to sell it or a portion of it to pay my debts that I may be owing, and the Smith's tools to remain where they are and each of my sons to have an interest in them by John and Jacob keeping them in repair and if any of the personal property is left after paying my debts it is to be divided amongst my daughters and the children of Sally Johnston.
Seventh. My Daughter Mary Ann has never had a horse from me. I give her Fifty Dollars deducting an account her husband owes me from the same.
Eighth. I have a suit now in the Court of Appeals with the heirs of Abram Williams and if I succeed that land is to be disposed of in the same manner as the land devised to my Daughters and the children of Sally Johnston and for their benefit.
Ninth. I do hereby appoint my sons John & Jacob Executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby declaring this to be my only true last Will and Testament hereby revoking all other former Wills by me made in Testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 5th day of July 1847.
Jacob Snidow [[SEAL]]
Signed and Acknowledged in the presence of us: Jabez Leftwick Wm H. Snidow Elizabeth Snidow


