Inventory of John Jacob Snidow's Possessions
At a court held for Botetourt County the 12th of September, 1772, this inventory and appraisement was ordered to be recorded:
To see or print a larger copy of the inventory, click here.
Transcription following (from the research papers of the late John Jacob Snidow 1887-1942):
To five pewter basons, 1 large dish, & 7 oald plates
To 1 pewter pint and 1 half pint & 1 flask & 1 salt seller & 8 spoons
To 6 tinns & 1 Pott and 2 juggs
To 1 set curtains & 1 strait coat & 1 Belle
To 1 spaid and 2 shovels, & 1 Bead cover with feathers
To 3 Baggs & 1 bucket and 1 Small pale
To 1 oald chest 1/6 to 1 shaff Bead & 2 oald blankets and 1 oald waggon cloath
| (SIGNED) | David Cloyd |
| | Michael Cloyd |
| | his |
| | Samuel Mo x N. Roberts |
| | mark |
To 1 Black Mair ten years old
To 1 Oald brown horse
To 2 pair of hens and 2 pair of chains oald
To 1 Oald Saddle and 1 oald bagg
David Cloyd
Michael Cloyd
Pursuing to the order of the court were David Cloyd and Michael Cloyd and Samuel M_. N. Roberts being first sworn and appointed hath appraised the estate of John Shnido Deceased as followeth, Septr 4th 1772.
To 1 Red Cow and white calf
To 1 pyd cow and Bell and Red calf
To 1 red and white Cow
To 1 pyd Heffer 2L & Red Heffer
To 1 Red Steer
To 2 Yearlings 1 Bull and 1 steer
To 3 Barron Hoggs & 1 sow & 3 piggs
To 1 Black Mear 7 years oald Spring colt
To 1 Waggon from the point of the tongue back
To 1 Small Plantation waggon
To 2 Mattocks
To 4 oald plows & an oald plow sheer
To 2 Maul rings & 4 iron wedges
To 1 Broad ax & 2 hammers & 1 Hogg Trop
To 3 Towling axes 9/ & 1 hand saw 3/
To 1 pair Stylyards 5/ & 2 drawing knives 7/
To 1 Dung fork & 1 oald prow
To 3 Augurs 5/ & 1 coopers Adge & other Coopers tools 7/
To Oald irons 4/& 1 oald gun and gun Barrel & Lock
To 1 White Ceader Brewing Tubb
To 1 oald iron kettle 5/ jointer & Board ax & smale plain Face
To 1 curring knife & Barking Iron
To 4 Sykels 1/ & Spinning wheels
To 1 Byble & Sermon Book
To 5 frying pans & 1 flesh fork & 2 leadles & 1 dripping pan
To 1 pepper Mill & Box Iron
At a court held for Botetourt County the 12 Sepr 1772 this inventory and appraisement was retd to court and ordered to be recorded.
Teste John May CBC
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A note about the inventory from former Snidow Historian T. Nat Clark in the 1990 Snidow Newsletter V. 13-1: "Historians have been able to find very little information on John Jacob Snidow after he left the state of Pennsylvania to come to Virginia. An appraisal of his estate, dated Sept. 5, 1772, is recorded in Botetourt County, VA, Will Book 1, page 25. On a recent trip to Botetourt Co. to research the Snidow Family, Mary French Boswell, Ruth Blevins and I asked whether we could see the original document. The Clerk of the Court graciously agreed, went to the old archives and produced the 218 year old document - to our joy! "


